Thursday, 4 October 2007



Lies are part of human life! People often tell lies to deceive others. many of us have heard about “lie detector “,some where seen in movies or read it in fiction stories. Does anything of this sort really exist? If yes, does it really detect lies? Yes it does. The first thing that comes to our mind is how an instrument with some electronic components can read out our mind. Though science and technology are growing at the speed of light, has it reached a stage where it can read mind? Not exactly! But it can approach to that stage by monitoring the physiological reaction by plotting graphs.


Polygraph, a multigraph of physiological reaction. Lie detector or polygraph as it is technically called is an instrument that monitors the physiological reaction. It can detect only deceptive behavior of human mapped to lies. The underlying factor of this concept is a person is subjected to stress while trying to decieve.Biomedical technology is used to bring out this deception. Lying is a sort of defense mechanism used by human to avoid trouble but when it is a serious crime like murder, spying on a country, it is necessary to bring out the truth. in such a case polygraph provide a helping hand to the law.

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