Thursday, 4 October 2007



In this paper, we aim to present a general introduction to steganography or data-hiding as it is sometimes just known. We then turn to data-hiding in images. When examining these data-hiding techniques, we bear in mind Bender's specifications, such as degradation of the cover data must be kept to a minimum, and the hidden data must be made as immune as possible to possible attack from manipulation of the cover data.

Steganography in images has truly come of age with the invention of fast, powerful computers. Software is readily available off the Internet for any user to hide data inside images. These softwares are designed to fight illegal distribution of image documents by stamping some recognisable feature into the image.The most popular technique is Least Significant Bit insertion, which we will look at. Also, we look at more complex methods such as masking and filtering, and algorithms and transformations, which offer the most robustness to attack, such as the Patchwork method which exploits the human eye's weakness to luminance variation.

we will take a brief look at steganalysis, the science of detecting hidden messages and destroying them. We conclude by finding that steganography offers great potential for securing of data copyright, and detection of infringers. Soon, through steganography,personal messages,files, all artistic creations, pictures, and songs can be protected from piracy.

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